Thursday, February 21, 2019

5 Oils for Hair Growth and Thickness

by Sabrina Perkins of

Nothing’s worse than passing your hands through your hair and finding that you’re shedding more than usual. The worse part about this is that stressing over an excessive amount of hair fall will actually only make the condition worse.

Suffice it to say, there are many simple remedies to combat hair fall but the best and most simple remedy of all is implementing natural oils into your regimen. We always hear that oils are great sealants, and we know that they prevent dry scalp, but what benefits do they have in regards to hair fall and retaining natural hair length and thickness? Here are the top 5 herbal oils to use in order to reduce and prevent shedding.


Coconut Oil
This is a no-brainier. I mean, coconut oil IS the answer to everything, right? While some may argue this fact, it needs to be known that there are many different characteristics of this oil that make it the best to use when battling hair fall . Coconut oil contains Lauric acid which fights off various bacteria and fungi that can be found on the irritated scalps.

Infections of the scalp can cause a significant amount of hair fall, as the follicles shed as they become swollen and irritated. Coconut oil is also known as the only oil that can fully penetrate the hair follicle, rebuilding it from the inside out and reducing the likelihood of unnecessary damage.

Olive Oil
Often used for cooking and salad dressings, olive oil is one of the most common household oils that can be found. Not only does it make a great vinaigrette, but it also contains an impressive amount of vitamin E and other monounsaturated fatty acids that promote hair growth and reduce hair fall. Of course, the more expensive and pure the olive oil is, the more vitamins and nutrient it will contain, so you may need o pay a pretty penny if you’re looking for the top notch results.

Castor Oil
Castor oil is another familiar household oil, known for being used to “clean you out.” Aside from causing an impressive “internal cleansing” ingredient, this oil also contains hair growth and regeneration properties. The oil’s triglycerides of ricinoleic acid makes it anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory, which are all important components that are needed to both combat and prevent scalp infections, fungi and unhealthy bacteria.

The restorative properties of castor oil strengthens the roots of the hair, therefore reducing shedding, while also causing new hairs to grow in quick, thick, and much healthier.

Lavender Oil
Lavender oil is stimulating, meaning that it increases circulation to the scalp. Not only does that encourage new hair growth, but it also provides much needed nutrients and oxygen to the roots of the hair, which makes the root stronger and reduces the amount of shedding. This oil also combats against nits and lice, which is something else that can lead to hair fall. Much like its counterparts, it also contains anti-bacterial properties that wards off infections, fungi and unwanted bacteria.

Sweet Almond Oil
Almond oil is known to be a natural “moisturizer” due to its softening properties. Containing Vitamins E and D, along a host of other minerals such as calcium and magnesium, makes almond oil one of the only oils that can prevent the hair from drying out and becoming brittle. Dry, brittle hair has a tendency to break and fall out very easily.

Incorporating almond oil into your regimen will not only provide your hair with some much needed nutrition, but it will also ensure that the hair stays strong and grows in faster.

What are some of your favorite herbal oils to use?

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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