Saturday, September 1, 2018

Almond Banana Pancakes

Try as we might, many of us find the temptation of pancakes too hard to resist. Maybe it’s the sweet, buttery aroma of the batter on the griddle or the soft doughy texture, or that eating something with the word “cake” in it for breakfast just feels so deliciously naughty. But it doesn’t have to be. There are decent Primal substitutes. Pancakes made with almond meal or coconut flour are a good option, but can be pretty heavy and, for some, overly filling. And then there’s this dish sent in by Jack Etherington for the Primal Cookbook Challenge. His Almond Banana Pancakes contain just three ingredients: banana, egg and almond butter. You can whip up a batch in five minutes flat and top the pancakes with a pat of butter, a scoop of nut butter, or fresh berries.

Almond Banana Pancakes are slightly delicate so you’ll want to keep the size fairly small (or add an extra egg) and wait until the edges are nicely browned before flipping them. This shouldn’t deter you from trying the recipe—the delicate texture of Almond Banana Pancakes is the very thing that makes them so irresistible. If you’ve tried pancakes made from almond or coconut flour and find them slightly grainy, you’ll really love the silky, airy texture of these cakes. The flavor is sinfully close to banana bread; add a little vanilla and cinnamon to the batter if you really want to get decadent.

As is evident from the comment board of last week’s recipe, this (very similar) recipe may be too carb-centric for some of you. For those who are keto or are restricting carbs for weight loss purposes this recipe might not fit into your personal Primal plans. For others, it might be part of your 20%. And for others that are extra active or have already achieved your preferred body composition, this recipe might be a perfect fit. (Kids tend to love it, too, by the way.) Enjoy!



  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 1 egg (or 2 if pancakes aren’t holding together well)
  • 1 heaping tablespoon of almond butter


Mash the bananas, add the egg and mix well.

Stir in the almond butter, adding more than a tablespoon if you want a more pancake-like texture.

Warm butter in a pan and pour batter into small cakes.

Brown on each side and serve warm.

The post Almond Banana Pancakes appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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