Sunday, July 24, 2016

Weekend Link Love – Edition 410

Weekend Link Love

Research of the Week

Too much TV as a kid promotes bone loss (or inadequate bone formation).

Alphabetic discrimination is a scourge on humanity.

Keto and CrossFit go well together (PDF).

If you’ve got the bacteria to ferment it, resistant starch in the form of raw potato starch really increases butyrate production in the colon.

Elephants don’t mind living in tiny studios on the wrong side of town as long as they’ve got other elephants to hang out with and lots of great restaurants and museums nearby.

Sauté fish with olive oil, not sunflower oil.

New Primal Blueprint Podcasts


Episode 127: Matt Riemann: Matt Riemann is a health entrepreneur in the business of optimizing epigenetic inputs using family history, anthropometry, and current lifestyle and environment information to tailor specific diet and exercise habits to individuals.

Each week, select Mark’s Daily Apple blog posts are prepared as Primal Blueprint Podcasts. Need to catch up on reading, but don’t have the time? Prefer to listen to articles while on the go? Check out the new blog post podcasts below, and subscribe to the Primal Blueprint Podcast here so you never miss an episode.

Interesting Blog Posts

Will we all be techno-nomadic hunter-gatherers in the future?

If you’re interested in a quick bite of awe, consider gazing six billion years into the past.

Media, Schmedia

Wallabies have high pet potential.

The next step in human evolution.

Everything Else

How government subsidies make us unhealthy.

A new (and better) way to map the human brain.

Eating only fermented foods for a year is good for your writing career but bad for your relationship.

I’m all for this.

How the immune system may determine social behavior.

Recipe Corner

Time Capsule

One year ago (Jul 24 – Jul 30)

Comment of the Week

“This gives me some ideas for the office.”

Could your staff really give up their Primal Chocolate bars for 36 hours? 😉

– I sure hope not, HealthyHombre.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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