Friday, March 29, 2019

Rice Water Rinse for Natural Hair Growth

New year,  new rinse-- rice water.  DiscoveringNatrural is sharing an addition to her natural hair routine that resulted in improved health and growth last year.  Curious about the benefits of rice water for hair?  Get the deets--
"Rice water has amazing hair and skin benefits. A recent research has shown that rice water exhibit hair care effects, such as decreasing surface friction and improving hair elasticity. Rice water has inositol, a carbohydrate, that can repair damaged hair, as well as protect it from damage. Specialized imaging technique shows that inositol stays inside the hair even after rinsing, offering continuing hair protection and beautifying effects.
So, Rinsing or washing your hair with rice water will improve manageability and protect it from future damage. In addition, the amino acids in the rice water strengthen the hair roots, add volume and sheen and make hair silky smooth." - HairBuddha

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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