Thursday, January 10, 2019

The Best Dietary Supplement for Thicker Natural Hair

Hola Chicas!

I field hella emails about hair vitamins:  

Nik, have you tried Viviscal?
What about Hairfinity?
Will I see faster growth? 
How long will it take to see results?"  

I've addressed the subject of supplements before, and I'm pretty sure everyone knows what I'm gonna say next--

There are no quick fixes, magic potions or lotions, just patience, consistency and a healthy lifestyle.  

But wait, there's more!  And there is (at least) one supplement I honestly believe contributes to my luxuriousness. 

Here's a question I responded to a couple of years ago- 
Q: I need longer hair now! I feel like I’ve been stuck at chin length for a decade. What hair vitamin do you take? What about prenatals?  
CN: ...My research brought me to Biotin and MSM. If you do decide to take a hair vitamin or multi, it should contain these two ingredients. Biotin promotes cell growth, the production of fatty acids, and metabolism of fats. MSM lengthens the hair growth phase (which means that you keep more hair on your head, less shedding = thicker hair). Using a combination of the two is beneficial for healthy hair. This winning combo, plus a quality multivitamin may aid in healthy hair growth.  To tie a bow on this, I don’t contribute my growth to vitamins. It’s just one part of the puzzle — a healthy diet, regular cardio and adequate water intake, will also help you maximize the genetics you were gifted with. In addition, gentle handling of the hair you’re already working with will keep more of it atop your head. Finally, it’s important to note that prenatals (compared to your average multi vitamin) don’t lead to astounding growth and increases in volume. Pregnancy hormones do that. And then, as if labor wasn’t enough, much of that hair falls to the floor. Fun. So as always, there are no quick fixes, just patience and TLC. 
This still holds true.  I take (1) 5,000 mcg capsule of Biotin a day and (1) 1,000mg MSM/ 1,000 Vitamin C packet a day.  Every damn day.  I never miss.  When I'm really on my game, I remember to take a Rainbow Light One-A-Day, a food based vitamin by the brand I entrusted my prenatal health to.  This regimen costs me ~20 dollars a month, but I charge it to the game.  

While I don't see the purpose in disrespecting the finances with the more costly, fancy 'hair vitamins' (~40 dollars a month), I do have advice for those that do.  If you're going to invest and ingest, at least give your body the best chance to actually absorb that ish.  In other words, talk to your doctor about starting a probiotic regimen. 

*attorney spokesman voice* 

Have you or one of your loved ones taken all the rounds of antibiotics? Are you stressed the hell out? Is your diet a disgrace? Have you been popping birth control pills for more than 5 years? Does your pee go annoying-ass-Nike-shoe-yellow after ingesting vitamins? Then probiotics may be for you. 

I fell into all of those categories! My gastroenterologist recommended them due to my colon, which stays frustrated. 

According to
"An estimated 100 trillion microorganisms representing more than 500 different species inhabit every normal, healthy bowel. These microorganisms (or microflora) generally don’t make us sick; most are helpful. Gut-dwelling bacteria keep pathogens (harmful microorganisms) in check, aid digestion and nutrient absorption, and contribute to immune function."
NaturalNews states, 'You aren't what you eat: you are what you absorb!'  They go on--
"Many people suffer from poor digestion. In fact, you might say that most people aren't able to absorb the nutrients they swallow, so they remain in a state of nutritional starvation even though they're taking supplements that would otherwise be quite helpful.
These people tend to scratch their heads, wondering why all the nutrients they're swallowing aren't having the positive effects they had hoped for. The answer to this conundrum is found in enhancing the absorption of those nutrients."
They say to skip grocery store yogurt (as most are pasteurized and much of the beneficial bacteria is killed) and either make your own, or even whip up some sauerkraut.  Y'all know I don't do the kitchen, so after turning to the google, I bought what I consider to be among the best probiotics on the market.  I keep either this one or this one, in stock.  

A regular probiotic regimen and a slightly more reasonable diet not only helps with the bloat, but my hair sheds less, which is a bonus, 'cause y'all know I'm #TeamVolume. I cut my own hair (in between professional shape-ups) to stay at boob length to keep my shrunken, chin-length bob tight.  With fine curls, this length is optimal for big, rude, natural hair.  And to make this work, I need all my strands!  So yeah, maybe it helps the MSM do its thang... or maybe I'm experiencing a placebo effect, but either way, I'll take it.  

So there you have it.  Probiotics to foster healthy hair growth.  Do your own research (this ish is not regulated by the FDA, none of it is), talk to your doctor and make smart choices!

Later Gators,

Do you take vitamins? Probiotics? Which ones?
What has your experience been?

from Natural Hair Care | Curly Nikki

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