Friday, January 4, 2019

Last Call: Sign Up For the Keto Reset Kickoff Now!

Hey folks, I’ve got Friday Link Love coming right up, but I wanted to mention that we’re closing in on the last days of sign-up time for the (totally free) Keto Reset Kickoff, which begins Monday morning. You have until midnight this Sunday night (1/6) to sign up. After that, the doors close, so to speak.

The Kickoff won’t be happening on the blog here, so if you want to receive the 7-day email series from yours truly and Dr. Lindsay Taylor—my colleague, co-author and (as many of you know her) administrator of the Keto Reset Facebook group, get your name on the list before Sunday night.

The Kickoff emails and materials will offer a comprehensive look into the full Keto Reset approach with exclusive commentary and video from me, as well as Q&A and additional resources—all totally free. Oh, and did I mention a free ebook and personal journal? For more information, check out my previous post with all the details. I’m looking forward to it!

You can sign up for the Keto Reset Kickoff and receive the 7-day email series, ebook and journal without any purchase whatsoever. Literally, just click here to visit the Keto Reset Kickoff page. Then click the green button at the top of the page that says “Click Here To Get Free Access.” It will take you right to the signup form.

One last thing… Those who participate in the Kickoff are also eligible for a deal even I can’t quite believe: buy a Primal Kitchen® Advanced Keto Kit ($65.95) and get my comprehensive Keto Reset Online Mastery Course entirely free (a $147 value). You are in no way obligated to take advantage of this offer to participate in the Keto Reset Kickoff. But it’s a great way to stock your pantry with staples that will make keto eating easier and more enjoyable as you begin (or continue) your keto journey—and receive an incredibly comprehensive, action-oriented online course to both motivate and inform your full Keto Reset experience.

Thanks, everybody. I hope you’ll join us for the Keto Reset Kickoff next week!

The post Last Call: Sign Up For the Keto Reset Kickoff Now! appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.

from Mark's Daily Apple

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